Implemented into our current business model is a turnkey management process. It is a ready-made solution with minimal disruption. It saves money and time, and implementation is quick. It enables us to focus on essential and critical phases of the development process and ensures a timely, efficient, cost-effective, high-quality infrastructure development. Our turnkey-ready properties are usually newly renovated and updated offices, apartment buildings, commercial warehouses, or move-in homes ready for buyers or renters.
Our turnkey management solution requires that we quickly finish the project needed by our buyer or customer. It focuses on integrating all phases of the construction and development process to ensure a timely, efficient, cost-effective, safe, high-quality development. Learn more
Efficient Property Development & Management Process
Property development is continual improvements and reconfiguring development prospects and standards in the built environment to meet the purposive economic, commercial, or other compelling society’s needs. The property in question can be highways, roadways, government buildings, subdivisions, malls, high-rise office buildings, hospitals. The development property ranges from small, medium to large-sized industrial or commercial and residential development projects. Learn more
Property Development involves different types of prospects requiring a wide range of activities and processes from land or building and infrastructure purchasing, building development, redeveloping, company business, operation, or general facilities upgrades.
To build our property portfolio faster and safer with minimal risk, we look, identify, and acquire high-performance properties available “at wholesale” if they have built-in capital growth and are reasonably priced to justify development.
Property investment and development involve a wide range of activities. These activities require strong background experience and education, including research and knowledge about real estate, contract negotiation, purchasing, town planning, urban planning, architecture engineering, and design, pre-construction, and construction management, building, energy, and fire inspection, safety, construction, and project management, completion, development, and facilities management, marketing and sales.
These are the reasons why we need a team to identify, evaluate and assess the potential economic values of each unique property. The lengthy, complex property development process also includes purchasing land, buildings, or infrastructure, including public and high-rise apartments. Essential to understanding the real estate industry, we understand and know the quality and values of properties, the markets, economics, finance, town, urban planning, the construction processes, and the marketing of real estate projects.
We conduct a development feasibility study that identifies and assesses key phases in our targeted acquisition. The acquisition and development process requires a unique, tailor-made approached individual development project because each land or property acquisition differs from one to another.
Once the teams identify the process for successful purchase or partnering on a prospect, we ask our team to identify the pros and cons of the purchase and provide the cost-benefit analysis of including the property into our current assets.
The followings are the development stages in our properties and infrastructures construction and property development and management: Scouting for opportunities, identifying and evaluating prospective land or property, pre-purchase and internal staging, financial commitment, contract negotiations and purchasing, architectural/engineering design, and working drawings. Besides land or infrastructure acquisition, essential to property development is documentation, permitting, and other development approval, including bidding and contracting, pre-construction and construction meetings, constructability, safety and project management, completion, infrastructure management, investment decision, and marketing, and or sales.
Development Program
We provide an initial Development Program, including a written schedule of project goals defining preliminary and secondary aspects of the overall project. We identify budgets, timelines, and building criteria and processes resulting in developing a project and its development. We provide our customers with property site search, value analysis, demographics data, financial feasibility study, and a visibility/marketing plan for the site under consideration. Finally, we present a detailed site analysis including topographical, environmental, preliminary site layout concepts, and fundamental development cost analysis. Learn more