Our services are comprehensive. Hence, they require integration, considerations, and unified efforts to provide and deliver successfully. We strictly follow our company’s property development procedures. We are committing a large number of resources of our capital development equity, time, professional expertise, and excessive talents to purchase, convert and develop lands or existing properties from their current uses to higher and better use and services but strictly for profits. We are careful, ambitious, discreet, but very patient regarding property development process requirements. Learn more
We first have to educate ourselves and the development team on the property’s value, the type of markets, applicable economics, source of finance, town planning authorities’ requirements, construction contracts, prime contractors and sub-contractors requirements, the construction processes, and the marketing of real estate projects.
Second, we quietly start very small and usually work our way up to bigger and better, more significant projects. We typically determine first what to do with the property, such as whether we plan to develop and sell the property for a quick profit; or keep it undeveloped for future reserve purposes yet to be determined. The preferred development strategy is to build property with potential high rental returns and watch it grow –primarily industrial or manufactured capital-intensive property. Such property can bring high rentals returns. Such property will be retained and developed as part of our “potential” high-performing property assets.